Covid-19 NON-Vaccination Status Cards
Our Vaccination ID Waiver Cards and Covid Vaccination Exemption Card offer Status for people who have chosen to not take the Covid-19 vaccination. This anti-vaccination card provides an empowering gesture for those in our society who are feeling attacked or who are being prevented to function in their daily routine because of their decision. Having to carry a card around AT ALL is oppressive and infringes on our freedoms. But in the meantime, while we hope for all this craziness to pass, sharing your NON-vaccination card provides non-verbal validation for your convictions. This small step might even help to awaken others as well.
$7 for Six Cards – Free Shipping!
Are you Feeling Like a Second-Class Citizen?
Our world has a history of condemning various people to a “less than” category over the years. Examples are Jews, blacks, Japanese, mentally-ill, lepers, homosexuals, Hispanics, gypsies, to name a few. And now, even though we like to think that we are so advanced in our “human rights” and that we have come such a long way, a NEW category of oppressed people has emerged: THE UNVACCINATED! The unvaccinated may be prevented from shopping, traveling, attending a play, worshiping in public, going to school, going to work or hundreds of other activities that are considered “normal.” More and more, the unvaccinated are being banished from functioning in our society. This is happening gradually as more an more mandates are issued and are tolerated by the masses. A whole class of people are suddenly living in the shadows.
NOT a “FAKE” Covid-19 Vaccination Card
Our Covid NON-Vaccination Cards are NOT fake vaccination cards. We have no intention of breaking laws and deceiving anyone, nor encouraging others to do so! Instead, holders of our card can take pride in their decision to NOT receive a Covid-19 injection, rather than feeling diminished or apologetic.
Front Text of Covid NON-Vaccination Card
“This card is a testament to my innate sovereignty. I declare what is best for my own body and I do not accept medical decisions made by an external entity without my consent. I maintain 100% rights to control what I take into my body. This card affirms that my body, mind and spirit were created by God and that my natural immunity is superior to any man-made protocol. I choose natural treatments, pure food, water, sunlight, exercise, fresh air and rest. I have opted to not receive the injection of the Covid 19 ‘vaccine,’ which contains unproven and questionable substances that could have an iatrogenic effect on me.”
Back of Card References Supportive Quotes from Landmark Legal Decisions
Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210, 229 (1990): “Forcible injection of medication into a nonconsenting person’s body represents a substantial interference with that person’s liberty.”
U. S. Supreme Court Decision No. 18-6210: “No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law.”
1947 Nuremberg Code: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion”
Covid NON-Vaccination Cards
Buy Now!
Brand: Sound Feelings
Dimensions: 4 in x 3 in
Material: Heavy Card Stock
Color: White with Black ink
Catalog: 91225
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Covid NON-Vaccination Card – 6-PACK
Price: $7.00 US Dollars
(Free shipping to USA)
Covid NON-Vaccination Card – 50-PACK
Price: $50.00 US Dollars
(Includes 15% discount)
(Free shipping to USA)
4 x 3 Card Holder Protector 5-pack
The 4 x 3 Card Holder Protector 5-pack is a perfect fit for your Covid NON-Vaccine Card as a lamination alternative. May also be used for similar cards for Meetings, Senior Centers, Reunions, Festivals, Retreats, Family & School Reunions, Store Tags, Fundraisers, vip pass etc.
also known as “anti-jab cards,” “anti-vaxx cards,” “non-vaxx cards,” “vaccination exemption cards.”