Facilitated by Eden Koz of Just Be®, LLC this amazing session is an hour. Within 10 days of the healing, all vaccine toxins are cleared from your body (see blood pictures of before and after the healing from a client). Through years of creation, this is done using divine help from God/Source & Christ Conscious energy. The main intent of this healing is to reconnect you to God/Source as the vaccination has hampered this deep connection, yet other results could occur physically, emotionally and spiritually. For those who have suffered heart injury because of the vaccine, a second session is requested within 2 weeks. A note from Eden, “I am so amazed to offer this as I have felt powerless in helping with this major challenge… until now. This healing is wonderful, powerful, electric and magnificent. It moves us all into the light.”
Originally intended to assist the healing of covid-vaccinated people. However, this process can be helpful also to the UN-vaccinated.
$375 per session
Eden can work with you in-person (Ohio, USA) or remotely.
We’ve had the opportunity to test one subject so far to verify this treatment, using “live blood analysis.” (April, 2024)
Subject completed a live blood analysis and was then retested 10 days later. Original analysis showed a mid/moderate level of cellular dehydration, sub-optimal PH levels, and compression of her cells against one another. Her cells were mildly stuck together which is a sign of acidity and can also inhibit cells from absorbing proper nutrition. Candida and yeast was present in the original test. There was a proper balance of white to red blood cell ratio. Lymphatic congestion was also noted.
On the retest the analysis showed improved cellular hydration and alkalinity (cells glide off of each other easier as opposed to sticking together) and her cells were less compressed and had a proper round shape. Yeast and candida were not present on the retest. The lymphatic system showed a notable improvement which indicates her body is processing cellular waste in a more efficient manner.